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Loxozonus Catfish (corydoras loxozonus)
Loxozonus Catfish
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Loxozonus Catfish (corydoras loxozonus)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, White
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 75-80° F, dKH 2-12, pH 5.0-7.5
Max. Size 2¼"
Family Callichthyidae
Minimum Tank Size 15 gallons
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Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, White
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 75-80° F, dKH 2-12, pH 5.0-7.5
Max. Size 2¼"
Family Callichthyidae
Minimum Tank Size 15 gallons
Compatibility View Chart
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The Loxozonus Catfish Corydoras loxozonus is an attractive species. With a white or pearl colored body, it appears to wear a black mask and has a prominent black line along its upper back, extending from the base of its dorsal fin to the tip of its caudal fin. Growing to a maximum of 2.2”, it is a member of the Callichthyidae family, or ‘armored catfish’, so instead of scales, it has bony, or armored plates. These armored plates have small black spots scattered throughout. Females are larger and rounder than the males. In nature, they come from the Rio Meta basin in Columbia.

Though small, this Catfish is not defenseless; with hardened pectoral spines that can pierce human skin, it should be handled with care, and moved using a container, as it can become entangled in nets. In addition, the base of each spine contains glands that secrete a mildly toxic substance.

The Loxozonus Catfish retrieves oxygen from the water but also can breathe atmospheric air. It will rise to the water level to take in air, so aquariums should not be filled completely, and should have a lid. An aquarium of 15 gallons for a school of 6 fish is sufficient, up to a 30 gallon aquarium for larger schools meet the requirement for this small fish. Water should be maintained at a temperature range of 75-82° F, a pH range of 5-7.5, and within a 2-12 dKH range.

This Corydoras loxozonus enjoys a planted aquarium including floating plants with hiding places and a fine sand or small rounded gravel substrate. It does best in well-oxygenated water. A great tankmate in a community aquarium with other peaceful fish, it should be kept in schools.

The Loxozonus Catfish is an egg layer and can be bred in captivity. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins and the male fertilizes them. She then swims to a suitable spot to deposit her eggs, either on aquarium glass, rocks, or plants. Up to 100 eggs can be fertilized per breeding cycle.

Omnivores, this member of the Callichthyidae family should be fed food that sinks to the substrate, like live and frozen foods as well as plant matter. Their barbels help them locate their food.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1” to 1-1/4”, Medium: 1-1/4” to 1-1/2”

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