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The True Percula Clownfish is not for the inexperienced, which poses a challenge for many new hobbyists. Percula Clownfish is often confused for the much easier to keep and more drably colored Ocellaris Clownfish. Therefore, care needs to be taken in choosing the appropriate clownfish for your home aquarium. The Percula Clownfish also has a thicker black outline to its white body stripes.
Native to reefs across Oceania, the Indo-Pacific, and off the coast of Australia, the True Percula Clownfish is also known as the Clown Anemonefish. In the wild, this member of the Pomacentridae family grows to about 4-1/2 inches; however, captive specimens rarely exceed 3-1/2 inches in length. In the home aquarium, the True Percula Clownfish requires an aquarium of at least 30 gallons with a fair amount of live rock.
Since the True Percula Clownfish is an omnivore, it requires a varied diet consisting of both meaty foods and herbivore preparations. Though not as hardy as the Ocellaris Clownfish, once acclimated to your system and eating, the True Percula Clownfish is a good candidate for reef aquariums.
If already paired, the female Percula Clownfish is the larger fish. The Percula Clownfish, like several other clownfish, can be bred in the home aquarium, and is one of the most common "starter" fish for saltwater breeders.
Approximate Purchase Size: Medium: 1-1/4" to 2"
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