Polyps are colonial corals, and most of them are extremely hardy, making them ideal candidates for the beginner reef aquarist. All Polyps contain symbiotic algae and require moderate to strong lighting. Some Polyps, such as button polyps, will also benefit from meaty food such as brine shrimp or plankton.
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Polyps are colonial corals, and most of them are extremely hardy, making them ideal candidates for the beginner reef aquarist. All Polyps contain symbiotic algae and require moderate to strong lighting. Some Polyps, such as button polyps, will also benefit from meaty food such as brine shrimp or plankton.
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LiveAquaria® CCGC Aquacultured Neon Green Starburst Polyp, Short Tentacle Coral
(Briareum sp.)
Starting at $27.99
LiveAquaria® CCGC Aquacultured Silver Branch Pumping Xenia Coral
(Xenia elongata)
Starting at $37.99