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The Ellisae Cory Cat (Corydoras ellisae) is part of the Callichthyidae or armored catfish variety. A smaller freshwater fish, it only reaches 2” at maturity. With a silver body, this small fish has touches of shimmery yellow color on the rear half of its underbody, and on its fins and face. Female Ellisae Cory Cats grow larger and are fuller bodied than the males. Their fins have a rounded shape, as compared to the pointed fins found in males.
The Corydoras ellisae likes a well planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places that provide relief from the light. Because it is a bottom dwelling scavenger, provide a smooth sand or gravel substrate because its barbels are easily damaged. These are schooling fish, so you should consider adding these to your community tank in groups of six or more.
Females will lay eggs in groups of 2 to 4 and attach them to plants or other surfaces after fertilization. She repeats the process until about 100 eggs have been fertilized and attached. If interested in breeding, you should consider a breeding tank, so the eggs or fry are not eaten.
The Ellisae Cory Catfish are foraging omnivores that require a well-balanced diet including quality flake food and pellets along with frozen or thawed blood worms, brine shrimp and Mysis shrimp that they can fit into their small mouths.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1/2” to 1-1/2"
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