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Acei Cichlid (Pseudotropheus sp. )
Acei Cichlid
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Acei Cichlid (Pseudotropheus sp. )
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Easy
Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Blue, Yellow
Diet Herbivore
Water Conditions 76-82° F, KH 10-15, pH 7.8-8.6
Max. Size 6"
Family Cichlidae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons
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Care Level Easy
Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Blue, Yellow
Diet Herbivore
Water Conditions 76-82° F, KH 10-15, pH 7.8-8.6
Max. Size 6"
Family Cichlidae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons
Compatibility View Chart
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The Pseudotropheus Acei originates from the Northwestern coast of Lake Malawi from Bandawe Point to Ngara in Zambia, Africa. They have a long slender blue body with striking yellow fins. There is little to differentiate males from females, other than the males bear egg spots on the back edge of the anal fin.

A large aquarium with plenty of caves and hiding places is ideal for the Pseudotropheus Acei. Caves can be formed from limestone or any other type of inert rock, as well as African Driftwood. An aragonite-based substrate is recommended in order to maintain the necessary high pH and alkalinity. These Cichlids do not like bright lighting, and the aragonite should ideally be either mixed with or covered by darker gravel to reduce the amount of glare in the aquarium.

For the best results in spawning, the males should be kept with at least three females. The female will spawn on a flat rock, and will take the unfertilized eggs into her mouth and will follow closely behind the male until he releases the sperm to fertilize the eggs. The female will then incubate the eggs for approximately three weeks before releasing the fry. The fry can then be fed newly hatched brine shrimp, daphnia, or crushed flake food.

The Pseudotropheus Acei feeds upon the sediment covered rocks and wood in nature. Provide a balanced diet of dried seaweed and other plant based flake and pellet foods.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/2" to 2"

Customer Testimonials

Michelle H League City , TX
Beautiful fish with contrasting coloration. Needs to be kept in schools 5+ in order to be happy. Great fish to any cichlid lover!
R. W.
This is a fantastic variation of the Cichlid Species. These are territorial and although marked as a herbivore, I see that they need a little of everything. Great, but can get big and have no problems taking alpha roles in your aquarium. About the only cichlid that I have found that school. Keep with 3 or more of their own kind.
1-2 of 2 testimonials

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